Heyy youuu this is EMOLIA'S SITE

(I'm emolia btw)

My other websites (kind of... they are part of the same domain)

  • Useful Reminders
  • Socials
  • Art stuff
  • Games I like

  • Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
  • Persona 3
  • Pokemon HeartGold
  • This is my first time making a website, I started by following the tutorial here. I actually liked it, first of all because it was written, I dont really like video tutorials that much. I also liked that it had a little cat to help you, so pretty!

    However it was quite basic, so I decided to look for another one, and ended up with this one from reddit. I dont like it that much because it just throws you to a layout generator. Where's the fun in that!?


    Anyway, I decided to scratch that and go with mozilla's HTML tutorials, and it has been pretty good so far, I even learnt some CSS!!!

    Wiki game logo

    This is The Wiki Game, I like that website